Dem Sen Murphy Accuses Trump-Vance Of Steering America Towards Kleptocracy

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U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) appeared on CNNSOTU (022825) where he dropped a bombshell, telling host Dana Bash that the shouting match we recently witnessed at the White House between President Trump, his VP Vance, and the President of Ukraine, was not an anomaly, but rather, a conscious effort by Trump-Vance to steer America towards kleptocracy.

The characterization by the mainstream media thus far, has been that the confrontation at the White House was just an unfortunate case of a good meeting gone bad—something that happened out of happenstance.

What Sen Murphy is saying however, is markedly different, and that is, this was a pre-meditated, conscious effort by Trump-Vance to humiliate the President of Ukraine for the benefit of Vladimir Putin. Furthermore, Sen Murphy adds that this is part of their larger effort to align America with dictators around the world, so as to make it easier for them to transform America into a kleptocratic oligarchy like Russia.

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Trump Kept Hitler’s Speeches By His Bedside

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In case you missed it, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough dropped a bombshell on the 01/08/2024 edition of his Morning Joe Show, telling his viewers that back in the day, former President Trump kept Adolf Hitler’s speeches by his bedside.

This bombshell revelation by Scarborough was especially notable because it came on the heels of Trump’s recent statement that migrants “poison the blood” of Americans. Notable historians have pointed out that German dictator Adolf Hitler used similar rhetoric on his way to killing 6 million Jews in the 1930s.

Former President Trump when confronted by the media about his Hitler-sounding rhetoric, dismissed such questions saying he has never read Hitler’s book Mein Kampf. Well, that may be true, but this bombshell revelation by Scarborough certainly raises fresh questions as to his admiration of the ruthless German dictator. Simply put, you don’t keep speeches of somebody you hate/despise on your bedside.

Bottom line as we approach the November 2024 general elections, the Trump-Hitler nexus must be fully explored. Vanity Fair owes the public an explanation as to why they’ve buried this story, even as questions about Trump-Hitler nexus continue to swirl

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