Kristy Greenberg, Former Deputy Chief at SDNY’s Criminal Division, appeared on MSNBC’s The Weekend show (06/09/24) where she made quite a compelling case as to why former President Trump should be imprisoned after being found guilty of 34 felony counts in the hush money case–the best case yet, as far as Yours Truly is concerned.
Kristi Greenberg: “I think that if you objectively look at all of the factors that are taken into account in sentencing, the prosecutors here should be seeking a jail sentence, and the judge should impose one. Look at the nature and the seriousness of the conduct…This was about the subversion of democracy. This was about depriving the voter of information that they would need when they go to the ballot box and decide who to vote for. What is more important than that?”
She also knocked down the argument one regularly hears on Fox News and other pro-Trump media outlets–that Trump should be accorded some deference and spared prison time, simply because he’s a former president. She argued instead that, because Trump wrote the hush money checks from the Oval Office, the judge should treat that as “an aggravating factor” for sentencing purposes.
In conclusion, she made the case that because Michael Cohen went to jail for the same conduct, Trump should likewise be imprisoned, especially given the fact that he was directing the criminal scheme–a slam dunk argument in my opinion. She specifically told the MSNBC hosts (1:09): “Michael Cohen went to jail for the same conduct, and he was less culpable than Donald Trump, who was directing him to do it. So if it’s serious enough for Michael Cohen to go to jail, it is certainly serious enough for Donald Trump to go to jail as well.”
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Turns out, per bombshell segment on CNN‘s NewNight Show (01/30/24) that political action committees (PACs) supporting former President Donald Trump are using the $50 million they have raised, to offset Trump’s personal legal bills. As NewsNight host Abby Phillips hastily points out, as shady as this may appear to the general public, it is apparently totally legal.
One would understand why the public would struggle with the legality of this action by Trump’s PACs, given the myriad news stories out there, of people being criminally prosecuted for starting GoFundMe campaigns to ostensibly raise funds for medical bills, only to turn around and use those funds for personal items like new vehicles, rent, jewellery, etc. If that is illegal, then why should it be perfectly legal for a PAC, which ostensibly raises money for Trump’s campaign for the presidency in 2024, to turn around and use the raised funds to offset his personal legal bills?
Host Abby Phillip (0:15): “Sources tell CNN that $50 million, is how much the PACs supporting Trump, have raised and then donated to the cause of keeping Trump out of jail. Now, mind you, this is all legal, but a spokesman for one of those PACs insists tonight to the New York Times, that every dollar being raised by MAGA Inc is going directly to defeating Joe Biden in November. But at least some of those dollars and cents are as of this moment, being siphoned off for courtroom costs.”
Bottom line folks, reasonable people will agree that there is no difference between the financial fraud that GoFundMe scammers are rightly criminally prosecuted for, and what these Trump PACs are engaged in. Simply put, rather than just throwing up our hands in the air and accepting this cheating by Trump’s PACs as “totally legal”, maybe some legal eagle should embark on a novel federal lawsuit arguing that Trump’s PACs are defrauding their donors, and are in essence, no different than the criminal GoFundMe scammers. While this may not fix the issue during this 2024 election cycle, maybe, just maybe, it may spur members of Congress to come up with a legislative fix for these and other PAC loopholes, for future elections.
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Rep Troy Nehls (R-TX) in a verbal altercation with insurrectionists on 01/06/2021
Rep Troy Nehls (R-TX) has created a reputation for himself as one of former President Donald Trump’s loudest advocates in Congress, right up there with Trump’s most trusted lieutenants Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and others.
A major part of being one of former President Trump’s trusted lieutenants is of course, one’s willingness to go out in public and declare the 2020 election “rigged/stolen”, and also playing down the violent January 6th insurrection as some kind of “peaceful protest gone wrong”.Rep Troy Nehls has of course, done his part to satisfy the prerequisites for appeasing former President Trump—election denialism and playing down January 6th.
Well, a new video has been released, which exposes Rep Troy Nehl’s shocking hypocrisy regarding the events that happened on January 6th 2021. In the video, Rep Nehls can be seen and heard arguing with some of the January 6th insurrectionists—who are apparently trying to violently break into Congress—and swearing that in his 30 years as a law enforcement officer in Texas, he had never witnessed what he was witnessing that day. Reasonable people will agree that this doesn’t jive with the “peaceful protest” narrative Rep Nehls and other Trump lieutenants have diligently dished out since 01/06/21.
Rep Nehls(0:53): “I’ve been in law enforcement for 30 years, and I’ve never had people like this.” One of the insurrectionists interjected, asking Rep Nehls to speak louder so he/they can hear what he’s trying to say.
Rep Nehls repeated: “I’ve been in law enforcement in Texas for 30 years, and I’ve never seen people act like this…I’m ashamed…” One of the insurrectionists even tells Rep Nehls that if this insurrection doesn’t happen today, there’s going to be a bigger civil war down the road. That clearly doesn’t jive with the “peaceful protest” narrative Rep Nehls, et al, have helped Trump push since 01/06/21.
Bottom line folks, it’s about time the media, and especially the Texas media, start demanding that Rep Nehls come clean and clarify his record regarding the January 6th insurrection. Simply put, he needs to apologize to the public for all the misleading statements he has made, trying to play down the violent January 6th insurrection. Simply put, the good folks of Fort Bend County (TX-22) deserve better.
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Former President Donald Trump’s town hall on CNN with Kaitlan Collins on 05/10/2023.
This is the only full video of the town hall available online, so Yours Truly had to create a page for it–a novelty.
**UPDATE: On 08/30/23, Deep State YouTube took down the original channel(Emoluments Clause) where this video was posted, and was the most popular by far. About time Congress reined in Big Tech’s speech suppression tactics, especially as we approach the 2024 general election**
**UPDATED on 09/17/23 to include Trump’s interview on MSNBC’s Meet The Press with new moderator Kristen Welker
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U.S. presidential candidate Cornel West (Green Party) appeared on CNN’s The Source show (07/13/23) where he among other things, addressed the charge that he’s playing the role of “spoiler” for incumbent President Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 election. You’ll remember back in 2016, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was blamed for helping Republican Donald Trump eke out wins in the key battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, thus securing enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Coincidentally, the same Jill Stein is now Cornel West’s campaign manager, as former President Trump appears poised to be Biden’s Republican challenger in 2024.
Asked by host Kaitlan Collins about the spoiler charge, and the fact that Jill Stein, who many blame for sinking Hillary in 2024 is his campaign manager, West dismissed the charge, adding(2:50): “The Democratic Party is so unsocratic, as well as undemocratic…Examine yourself. Examine why it is, you did not speak to the issues of poor and working people, and therefore you lost. If you’d rather lose than change and examine yourself, then you’re going to have third parties popping out all over the place because people are suffering out here.”
Asked whether he plans to endorse President Biden if the presidential race gets too tight, Cornel West gave quite an interesting response–the kind you’d expect from a seasoned intellectual like him. He said both Trump and Biden are bad choices for the presidency because Trump is leading us towards a second civil war, and Biden is leading us towards a third world war (an obvious reference to Biden’s pro-Ukraine stance).
It remains to be seen what effect Cornel West’s presidential run will have on President Biden’s reelection prospects. Will West cost Biden the White House in 2024 like Jill Stein cost Hillary Clinton in 2016? Only time will tell. What’s impossible to ignore however is the Trump-Jill Stein nexus when it comes to U.S. presidential elections, especially given the fact that they are both very friendly with Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin, an avowed U.S. foe. This image of Jill Stein dining with Putin and other Kremlin officials, formed the basis of the allegations that she was a spoiler candidate in 2016.
The bombshell seditious conspiracy indictment of 11 members of the militia group OathKeepers following their involvement in the January 6th insurrection, is raising serious questions as to how far up the law enforcement, military, and intelligence food chain, the conspiracy went. Specifically, given the level of tactical military sophistication they displayed on January 6th, there are valid questions as to whether Trump-allied senior members of U.S. law enforcement, military, and intelligence apparatus, gave material support, or even worse, are still members of this dangerous militia group that attempted to violently overthrow the government. A segment on CNN’s Outfront with Erin Burnett(01/13/22) delved into this very topic.
Host Erin Burnett said in relevant part: “Prior planning, coordination, sedition, weapons. The 11 people charged today, were[in a]conspiracy, and they are not small fish, like many of the more than 700 people already charged, some of who may have been wrapped up in the moment. Not the case with these individuals. This group had a level of combat training, they were prepared to use force, they had a stash of weapons that they brought for that specific intent, and the question tonight is…now you’ve got a conspiracy, you’ve got planning, you’ve got it all laid out. How much higher does that go?”
Any reasonable person presented with the OathKeepers indictment would reasonably conclude, as host Erin Burnett did, that given the sophistication of their January 6th operation, people higher up in the law enforcement, military, intelligence and even political food chain, were providing material support to the OathKeepers. Providing material support to this dangerous militia group would also necessarily imply that they are members of the group–a scary thought indeed.
CNN’s Sara Sidner followed up with an in depth look at OathKeepers leader Stewart Rhodes in an appearance on New Day (01/14/22), where she dropped a bombshell that further bolsters the troubling prospect that the OathKeepers may have enjoyed material support from insiders within our law enforcement, military and intelligence ranks.
Sara Sidner said: “One of the things the OathKeepers do, is they try and recruit either current or former military, current or former members of law enforcement, current or former people who have been part of the intelligence apparatus in the United States, whether it be the FBI , CIA, anybody that they can get and bring into the organization, and when you think about that, it means that they have tactical training to do something like this[January 6th], and to plan something like this.”
This raises serious questions including but not limited to, what kind of arms and illegally acquired intelligence the OathKeepers currently have, whether in light of this indictment, it’s still okay to have active members of our law enforcement, military, and intelligence apparatus being active members of this violent militia group, etc.
Bottom line folks, Erin Burnett’s question as to how high up this conspiracy goes, is a very serious one, that needs to be seriously addressed by Congress, especially the January 6th Committee, and the mainstream media. For the record, this question has been raised before by concerned members of the public, including Yours Truly, but always treated as one requiring a voluntary answer from our law enforcement, military and intelligence brass. Given the seriousness of this OathKeepers indictment, this question should no longer be one that requires a voluntary answer. The mainstream media and Congress, preferably the January 6th Committee, must demand an answer from leaders in our law enforcement, military and intelligence agencies, as to how much the OathKeepers have infiltrated their ranks. This is a serious national security problem, and it should be treated as such. A major part of the January 6th Committee’s mission is to prevent another January 6th-type insurrection. Reasonable people will agree that rooting out extremism within our law enforcement, military, and intelligence ranks will go a long way in fulfilling that mission.
Specific emphasis should be placed on Trumper states like Texas, which has a heavy OathKeepers presence, and was involved all the way to the top(AG Paxton and other political leaders) in Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. What other nefarious activities are the OathKeepers enlisted for in such states? Did the Texas political establishment provide material support to the OathKeepers, for their January 6th operation?
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