Maddow Fact Checks Trump’s SOTU Address

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On 03/04/25, President Donald Trump delivered the customary State of The Union address before a joint session of Congress. Per MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, this was the longest State of The Union speech ever delivered by a U.S. president.

Moments after President Trump’s address, Maddow delivered a blistering fact check to Trump’s address

Among the issues that Maddow fact checked President Trump on, was his assertion that he had spoken with the heads of U.S. auto manufacturers, and that they were happy with his proposed tariffs on the auto industry.

Maddow specifically said, “For the record, U.S. auto company CEOs are NOT psyched, and delighted, and sooo excited about Trump’s economic policies, including his tariffs.”

Less than 24 hours after Maddow’s fact check, news broke that the Trump administration was pausing it’s proposed tariffs on automakers—a tacit admission that the said CEOs had never expressed optimism about the proposed auto tariffs, as the president had indicated on his State of The Union address.

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Maddow Draws Striking Parallel Between Hitler & Putin Assaults And The U.S. Reaction To Them

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In the 03/03/25 edition of MSNBC’ s Rachel Maddow Show, host Maddow pointed out the striking resemblance between how the U.S. dealt with Hitler’s assault on Europe, and the way the Trump administration is dealing with Putin’s current assault on Ukraine in particular, and Europe generally.

Maddow pointed out that by July 1940, Great Britain was the only European country left standing after Hitler’s forces had practically run over every other European country.

Then U.S. President Roosevelt was doing everything in his power to assist the Brits against Hitler’s forces. But interestingly, there was no consensus in the U.S. that the we should be assisting the Brits, which is quite similar to what we hear today from some leading Republican voices re Ukraine.

One of the leading Republican voices against Roosevelt assisting the Brits, was a U.S. Senator from Minnesota, one Ernest Lundeen.

Senator Lundeen apparently argued that Britain did not deserve America’s aid because it was not “grateful enough” for America’s past assistance(World War I, etc). He also argued, much like Republicans are arguing today, that Britain and other European allies needed to dig into their own mineral resources and pay America for its assistance–again, the same argument we are hearing today from leading Republicans.

It later came out, however, that during the entire time Senator Lundeen had been making these otherwise reasonable arguments against aid to Britain (on fiscal grounds), he was actually being paid by Hitler’s Germany to make their case from his lofty perch as a U.S. Senator.

The $1 million question now is, who is Putin paying to make his case in the U.S. Congress or even from a loftier perch, which I’ll leave to your imagination? Only time will tell.

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Did Trump Admin Halt Federal Subsidies For EV Charging Stations To Benefit Musk’s Tesla?

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An interesting segment on the 02/10/25 edition of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show revealed that the recent decision by the Trump administration to halt federal subsidies for EV charging stations directly benefits Elon Musk’s Tesla.

This is a glaring conflict of interest, which once again underscores the need for some congressional oversight regarding the work Musk and his DOGE are doing, ostensibly to identify and eliminate government waste and fraud.

Simply put, Congress needs to step in to ensure that Musk’s “waste cutting” operations are not benefiting his private businesses.

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GOP’s Long History Of Threatening Prosecutors Into Submission

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A bombshell segment on the 05/20/24 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show (TRMS) delved into the GOP’s long history of using political pressure to scuttle criminal investigations and prosecutions targeting them.

Maddow’s intent was to bring attention to the Republican political attacks currently being leveled against Fulton County DA Fani Willis, as she tries to hold former President Trump accountable for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential elections in Georgia.

It is widely assumed by many, that the political attacks currently playing out against DA Willis are somehow novel, or totally unheard of in America, when as Maddow clearly illustrates, there is a very long and sordid history of Republican politicians successfully employing similar tactics in the past.

The full Maddow segment (YouTube) is available here for context, but my posts on X(formerly Twitter) get to the crux of her argument, and that is, the Republican attacks on Fulton County DA Fani Willis are nothing knew. Republicans have been doing these political pressure campaigns against prosecutors dating as far back as the 1940s. Such pressure campaigns have largely evaded media scrutiny because as she puts it, they make the country and all the stakeholders look bad.

As Maddow correctly points out, it’s incumbent upon any democracy-loving individual, to step up and defend DA Fani Willis, or any other similarly situated prosecutor, against such political pressure campaigns. They are antithetical to a free and democratic society.

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Maddow On Why The Trump-Stormy Daniels Affair Is A Big Deal

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Former Porn Star Stormy Daniels recently appeared to testify at former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial currently playing out in Manhattan, New York. As was expected, a lot of juicy details came out of her testimony, some previously known by the public, and others totally new. Trump’s supporters have predictably sought to downplay, even totally disregard Daniels’ testimony, but as MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow recently said on her colleague Nicolle Wallace’s show, we cannot/must not forget the fact that the person at the heart of this sordid affair, is someone who could potentially end up as U.S. president again. Put another way, this is, as Maddow would put it, “a big freaking deal”.

Maddow said(5:55): “The very big picture here is, we are thinking seriously as a country, about putting somebody back in the White House, who mounted a violent effort to overthrow the government the last time that he was voted out, who says that parts of the constitution should be terminated, who says he wants to put the U.S. military in American cities, he wants to build camps for tens of millons of people. That’s what we’re thinking about doing. There’s like this huge yikes factor when it comes to him.”

Maddow adds(6:43): “On top of the scariness about what he’s offering us as a political figure, on top of his likely criminal liability in his multiple criminal trials, we also then just get this yuck factor stuff[with the porn star].”

Maddow then lists the yucky stuff

  1. “She’s doing a porn company promotion at a golf tournament.”
  2. “His infant son is four months old.”
  3. “He has his bodyguard ask her if she’d like to have dinner, so she goes to his room. There is no dinner. He’s wearing satin pajamas. She says get dressed.”
  4. “He tells her I’ll get you under my reality competition TV show and I will help you cheat at it. I’ll give you advance notice on the challenges on the show, and that will help you.”
  5. “He tells her me and my wife don’t sleep in the same room.”
  6. “He asks her when she was last tested for sexually transmitted diseases.”
  7. “He tells her she reminds him of his daughter.”
  8. “She goes to the bathroom, she comes out of the bathroom, and he’s stripped down to his underpants.”
  9. “She tries to leave, and he steps between her and the door. She doesn’t want to do it. She says she doesn’t feel threatened but he says to her, I thought you were serious about what you wanted. If you ever want to get out of that trailer park…”
  10. “They have sex. She’s not into it. He does not wear a condom. That is particularly concerning to her, and he should know that it is because she has just explained to him about her work in the adult film industry.”
  11. “They meet several more times, he makes more sexual advances, they never have sex again, and ultimately it is only when he finally says no, I’m not putting you on my TV show, that she stops picking up his calls.”

Maddow then bottom lines it perfectly saying, “[President]Jimmy Carter almost lost in 1976 because he said he had committed lust in his heart, but this is who we are thinking about putting back in the White House right now, along with what he has threatened to do to the country, in part out of anger for the criminal liability that he has brought on himself by trying to cover up things like this, behavior like this, character like this.”

Three Trump Campaign Officials Were Directly Involved In Harassment Of An Elderly Georgia Election Worker

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Trumpers Trevian Kutti and Garrison Douglas pressuring election worker Ruby Freeman to confess to a bogus election fraud scheme at a Georgia police station(Jan 4, 2021)

A troubling segment on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show (12/22/21) revealed that three Trump campaign officials were directly involved in the harassment of an elderly Georgia election worker, Ruby Freeman, who they tried to extort into confessing to a bogus election fraud claim pushed by then President Trump. The officials in question are Harrison Floyd, a Black Voices for Trump Executive Director, who until November 2020, was a paid Trump campaign staffer, Trevian Kutti, a publicist for Trump’s Rapper buddy Kanye West(now Ye), and Garrison Douglas, another Black Voices for Trump member who apparently, was also working for the Georgia Republican Party at the time of this harassment scheme.

Trevian Kutti is the woman in the dark outfit, seen in the video pressuring election worker Ruby Freeman to confess in 48 hours, if she wants to avoid getting arrested, and as a condition for her getting “protection”. The man sitting on the right of Trevian Kutti as she issues her threats, is Garrison Douglas, who at the time, was working for the Georgia Republican Party, and is also a member of the Black Voices For Trump. The “high-profile individual” who Trevian Kutti got on the phone with, who was supposedly going to “protect” Ruby Freeman, and keep her out of jail if she confessed in 48 hours, is Harrison Floyd, the Executive Director of Black Voices for Trump. Harrison Floyd was until November 2020, a paid Trump campaign staffer. There’s no question that this shameful harassment scheme was a full blown Trump operation geared towards stopping the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral college victory, scheduled for January 6th.

Maddow said: “Just step back here for a moment, just appreciate what we now know happened here. This is in the midst of what at this point, is already a weeks-long pressure campaign by President Trump and his allies in Georgia. Everybody from President Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and everybody on down, is hyping this wackadoodle conspiracy theory about a random Atlanta election worker, and her being like the mastermind of the crime. They are doing that in order to justify getting Republican officials in Georgia to overturn the election results and say that Trump won. That election worker is getting threatened like you cannot believe. She is in fear for her life under an onslaught of harassment and threats, and in the midst of that, three people involved with the Trump campaign, one of whom until recently had been a high profile Trump campaign employee, another who works for the Republican Party, they arrange to show up at this woman’s house and try to get her to admit to election fraud because then they can protect her. And the deadline they gave her was very specific–48 hours….Why was it so important that they get to her before that 48 hours was up? Well, at the end of that 48 hours, remember that conversation happened on January 4th, 48 hours after that was the certification of Joe Biden’s win in Congress, the thing Trump and his allies were trying to stop at all costs.”

Maddow went on to add that on January 6th, as the insurrection was playing out in real time, a bunch of Trumpers surrounded Ruby Freeman’s house in Atlanta, and shouted at her through a bullhorn. Any reasonable person presented with Maddow’s account of this incident would conclude that Ruby Freeman’s harassers were not just some random Trump supporters arbitrarily going out of their way to inflict pain on her, but rather that they were part of an elaborate scheme to force a bogus confession out of her, which they could then use to overturn the Georgia election results, and stop the scheduled January 6th certification in Congress. Simply put, these were conspirators to a crime.

Bottom line folks, the January 6th Committee definitely needs to look into who was giving orders to these three Trumpers in this very elaborate scheme to (1) overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results and (2) to put a stop to the scheduled January 6th Congressional certification of Biden’s electoral college win. The public deserves to know who else was working with these three shady characters, as they terrorized an innocent, and elderly election worker. That’s the least the January 6th Committee can do for poor Ruby Freeman’s tormented family.

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Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo:”Texas Is Being Run From Maralago”

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Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo appeared on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show (09/24/2021), where she blasted elected Republicans in Texas for giving in to former President Trump’s baseless demands for an audit into the state’s 2020 election results. The decision by the Texas Secretary of State’s office to conduct an audit into the election results of Collin, Dallas, Harris and Tarrant counties, came literally a few hours after Trump’s demand, which led a visibly upset Judge Hidalgo to tell host Maddow that Texas was “being run from Maralago.”

Judge Hidalgo told Maddow:“We have to remember we had incredibly successful elections here in Harris County in 2020. We had innovations that led to record turnouts from both parties, the highest in 30 years, I mean it was beautiful, and since then, no evidence has come out that would in any way cause the need for this kind of audit. All we’ve seen is [former]President Trump exhorting the state, or [Governor]Abbott, to have this audit…The reality of it is Texas is being run from Maralago, and that is dangerous, and it’s not appropriate…it’s extremely concerning.”

Judge Hidalgo added that time had come for politicians in Washington to get off the sidelines, and actively join the fight against voter suppression in the states, telling host Maddow, “We need the federal government to act, I mean, this has gone too far… This should be another call to action. We’ve got the writing on the wall. We’ve got to get off our chairs and get moving on all this.”

Bottom line folks, as Judge Hidalgo correctly pointed out, time has come for some decisive action to be taken against these naked efforts by Republicans at the state level, to restrict the voting rights of minorities. Democrats in Washington cannot just sit on the sidelines, and watch their counterparts in Republican-led states like Texas, go to war against GOP’s efforts to restrict minority voting rights. Simply put, time has come for Democrats in Washington to finally do away with the filibuster, and institute a national voting standard geared towards making it easier for people to vote, as opposed to GOP’s scheme of limiting access to the ballot box. As Judge Hidalgo correctly put it, congressional Democrats need to “get off their chairs and get moving” on a comprehensive federal voting rights law.

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NYT’s Maggie Haberman Ensnared In Feud Over Trump Inaugural Funds

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Melania Trump with Stephanie Winston Wolkoff

In case you missed it, the Trump inaugural saga has taken a new, and very interesting twist lately, with now Twitter-active Stephanie Winston Wolkoff taking a direct shot at Maggie Haberman and Ken Vogel of the New York Times(NYT), as being part of the plot to throw her under the bus.

You’ll remember that after the bombshell revelation that a staggering $40 million of Trump’s inaugural funds had mysteriously disappeared, there was an effort by Trump’s allies to pin the blame on then First Lady Melania Trump’s Senior Advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff. Stephanie Wolkoff talked about this effort to throw her under the bus at an appearance on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show on September 1, 2020.

In the interview, a visibly upset Stephanie Wolkoff told host Maddow, that then First Lady Melania Trump basically told her she had to be the fall person for the Trump inaugural scandal. Wolkoff specifically said, “Melania and the [Trump]White House had accused me of criminal activity, then publicly shamed and fired me, and made me their scapegoat. At that moment in time, that’s when I pressed record. She was no longer my friend, and she was willing to let them take me down, and she told me herself, that this is the way it has to be. She was advised by the attorneys at the White House that there was no other choice because there was a possible investigation into the presidential inauguration committee….At first I really did think maybe she would come to my aid? Maybe she would tell the truth? She turned her back, she did. She folded like a deck of cards., and I’m shocked she did it.”

This 05/23/2021 tweet however, shows that Stephanie Wolkoff is not only going after Trump and his allies in her effort to set the record straight regarding Trump’s inaugural, she’s also calling out NYT’s Maggie Haberman and Ken Vogel, as being part of the plot to destroy her. This, if proven, could turn out to be a huge scandal unto itself, given the fact that many liberals still blame the New York Times for Trump’s ascension to the White House. Specifically, many liberals believe NYT’s excessive coverage of the “email scandal”, weakened Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the final stretch of the 2016 campaign.

There’s no other way any reasonable person can interpret Stephanie Wolkoff’s tweet other than NYT’s Haberman and Vogel were doing Trump’s bidding when they wrote the referenced piece. This is especially so considering Wolkoff’s invocation of “SETUP. COVERUP. TAKEDOWN” in her tweet. For the record, accusations of “access journalism” against then White House reporter for the New York Times, Maggie Haberman, persisted throughout Trump’s presidency. Stephanie Wolkoff is not the first person drawing that inference.

Bottom line folks, Yours Truly is not accusing Maggie Haberman or Ken Vogel of any wrongdoing. By all accounts, these are serious journalists, who exhibit a high level of professionalism(my personal opinion). What Yours Truly is simply pointing out, is what any reasonable person presented with Stephanie Wolkoff’s recent tweet would conclude, and that is, Haberman and Vogel were in on the plot by Trump’s allies to throw her under the bus. It would be in everybody’s interest, especially Wolkoff who suffered greatly as a result of the Trump inaugural saga, if Haberman, Vogel or even the New York Times management, addressed this issue.

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Signs Of Russian Money Laundering In Trump’s Inauguration

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An interesting Rachel Maddow segment points out that a guilty plea by GOP Lobbyist Samuel Patten in the ongoing TrumpRussia investigation raises new troubling questions about the mysterious money flow surrounding Trump’s 2017 inauguration.

Maddow has previously reported extensively on the strange money flow surrounding Trump’s inauguration but the latest guilty plea by the said GOP operative provides specific details that take allegations of Russian money laundering at Trump’s inauguration way beyond the speculative level. As a matter of fact, details of Patten’s plea deal speak to a slam-dunk Russian money laundering scheme.

Here’s how the Russian money funneling scheme played out. GOP operative Sam Patten has a shell company in DC. Patten got a yet unnamed U.S. citizen to “donate” $50,000 to Trump’s inaugural committee. Patten’s shell company then reimbursed the unnamed U.S. citizen the $50,000. A Ukrainian with ties to a prominent Russian oligarch and who is also at the center of the ongoing Manafort case then reimbursed Sam Patten with a $50,000 drawn from a Cypriot bank. Cyprus is a well known haven of Russian money laundering meaning the said $50,000 that flowed into Trump’s inauguration could well have been laundered money.

There have been a lot of questions especially by Maddow about the whereabouts of the monies raised for Trump’s inauguration–an estimated $107 million. Maddow for example questioned why Trump’s inaugural committee never gave a detailed accounting of how the $107 million came in and what it was spent on–very odd.

With Sam Patten’s plea deal pointing heavily towards money laundering, expect Natasha Bertrand(Yours Truly’s MSM fave) and other journalists who’ve been excellent at TrumpRussia reporting to dig into Trump’s inaugural committee for answers to serious questions that still linger. For example How many other Patten-like “donations”  were made to Trump’s inauguration? Did this money find its way into GOP/RNC coffers–including to GOP members of congress? If so, did GOP/RNC know the source of the funds? As you can see there are numerous questions that need to be answered regarding the mysterious Trump inauguration funds.

Yours Truly recently wrote about how Trump’s GOP has degenerated into a criminal enterprise and stories like Sam Patten’s only work to support that argument. Bottom line Dems and the mainstream media must dig into this story to find out how much laundered Russian money has landed into GOP coffers.  Simply put House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell and GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel must be questioned about dirty Russian money flowing into GOP coffers.

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