Sen Rand Paul Promises Vigorous Oversight Of DHS

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In his opening remarks at the Senate confirmation hearings for incoming DHS Secretary Kristi Noem, GOP Senator Rand Paul, Chairman of the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, laid out brilliantly, the case as to why the behemoth that is DHS, begs for some serious oversight.

Senator Paul characterized DHS as a very powerful agency that was created after the 9/11 attacks to secure the homeland, but has since veered from its intended course, and into attacks against Americans simply exercising their free speech rights.

Sen Paul: “Think about it, an agency [DHS] commanding over $110 billion annually, can’t account for its own activities. This is not just bureaucratic incompetence, it’s emblematic of a deeper issue. An agency unsure of its own boundaries and commitments.”

He went on to add that DHS is increasingly focusing on people’s social media posts, and even placing people on terrorism watchlists based on such posts—a total travesty.

Bottom line folks, the criticisms Senator Paul levels at DHS are well founded and longstanding. The only question now is whether he’ll follow through, and use his position as Senate Homeland Security Chair, to provide the much-needed oversight DHS cries for.

Sadly, if the past is anything to go by, Sen Paul’s oversight promises might devolve into his just using his lofty committee chair perch to score political points by digging into, idk, Hunter Biden files. Let’s hope that doesn’t end up being the case, but I’ll readily admit, I would not be surprised.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo:”Texas Is Being Run From Maralago”

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Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo appeared on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show (09/24/2021), where she blasted elected Republicans in Texas for giving in to former President Trump’s baseless demands for an audit into the state’s 2020 election results. The decision by the Texas Secretary of State’s office to conduct an audit into the election results of Collin, Dallas, Harris and Tarrant counties, came literally a few hours after Trump’s demand, which led a visibly upset Judge Hidalgo to tell host Maddow that Texas was “being run from Maralago.”

Judge Hidalgo told Maddow:“We have to remember we had incredibly successful elections here in Harris County in 2020. We had innovations that led to record turnouts from both parties, the highest in 30 years, I mean it was beautiful, and since then, no evidence has come out that would in any way cause the need for this kind of audit. All we’ve seen is [former]President Trump exhorting the state, or [Governor]Abbott, to have this audit…The reality of it is Texas is being run from Maralago, and that is dangerous, and it’s not appropriate…it’s extremely concerning.”

Judge Hidalgo added that time had come for politicians in Washington to get off the sidelines, and actively join the fight against voter suppression in the states, telling host Maddow, “We need the federal government to act, I mean, this has gone too far… This should be another call to action. We’ve got the writing on the wall. We’ve got to get off our chairs and get moving on all this.”

Bottom line folks, as Judge Hidalgo correctly pointed out, time has come for some decisive action to be taken against these naked efforts by Republicans at the state level, to restrict the voting rights of minorities. Democrats in Washington cannot just sit on the sidelines, and watch their counterparts in Republican-led states like Texas, go to war against GOP’s efforts to restrict minority voting rights. Simply put, time has come for Democrats in Washington to finally do away with the filibuster, and institute a national voting standard geared towards making it easier for people to vote, as opposed to GOP’s scheme of limiting access to the ballot box. As Judge Hidalgo correctly put it, congressional Democrats need to “get off their chairs and get moving” on a comprehensive federal voting rights law.

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Putin Told Trump To Stop Joint Military Exercises With S. Korea

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From the beginning Yours Truly has maintained that there is something very strange/suspicious about the Trump/North Korea deal–that this is a Putin operation designed to help Trump politically, not solve the nuclear crisis

A bombshell 6/25/2018 segment on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show just confirmed Yours Truly’s suspicions. Turns out per Maddow, that Trump had initially wanted to end  joint military operations between the U.S. & South Korea but dropped the idea after pushback from Defense Secretary Mattis.

Later however, following a phone conversation with Putin, Trump abruptly decided to end the crucial joint military exercises that are meant to provide readiness in the unfortunate event North Korea launches a nuclear strike.

Even more troubling, and an issue that Congressional Dems should definitely inquire into, is the shocking revelation by Maddow that prior to Trump making the highly consequential decision on S. Korea joint exercises, neither Sec Def Mattis nor senior White House officials were consulted. In other words Putin simply told Trump to do it and he did it—fast!!

This is a very troubling development given that virtually all U.S. Intel agencies agree that Russia is not only America’s enemy but is actively working to inflict harm on America. The shocking report by Maddow that despite this threat, Putin is literally telling the U.S. President what to do with senior government officials seemingly left in the dark should be cause for great alarm.

Bottom line Congressional Dems must push for hearings on this issue

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